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Prog. No: MSS-1133 Version 3.0 (21.09.2022) Server Operating System: Windows Server 2022
Airleader Measuring- and Simulation-Server
Number of simultaneously usable licences: 2
Please choose a free session:
A session will be active as long as you keep the application open.
A session will be terminated by:
- Click on "Log out"
- Closing the bowser window
- Leaving the webpage
A session will then be released after 5 minutes.
"Log out" releases the session instantly.
Documentation (de)
Please type in your program no and your code for registering.
Please sign in with your account data.
Check your entries and try again.
No licence for the specified program no available.
The software is already installed on 2 pcs.
Would you like to override a licence?
Change password ...
User management ...